Intense Pulsed Light Treatment

Broad spectrum intense light improves dark blemishes, sun spots, broken blood vessels, and inflammatory skin conditions. Can be used on the face, neck, chest, hands, or anywhere where there has been sun damage. One treatment is often sufficient for the upper chest area, but the face often requires 2-4 treatments for optimal results, depending on the severity of the damage.Can also be used for hair removal. Requires more traethments for good results



A mechanical exfoliating procedure that intensely exfoliates and stimulates micro-circulation in the skin.





Mechanical scraping of the top layers of skin using a high-speed rotary wheel. Softens sharp edges of surface irregularities, including acne and other scars and fine wrinkles, especially around the mouth.


A few minutes to 1 hour. May require more than 1 session.


Local, numbing spray, or general.


Usually outpatient.

Side Effects:

Temporary tingling, burning, itching, swelling, redness. Lightening of treated skin. Acute sensitivity to sun; loss of ability to make pigment (tan).


Abnormal color changes (permanent). Tiny whiteheads (temporary); infection; scarring; flare-up of skin allergies, fever blisters, cold sores.


Back to work: 2 weeks. More strenuous activities: 4 to 6 weeks. Fading of redness: about 3 months. Return of pigmentation/sun exposure: 6 to 12 months.

Duration of Results:

Permanent, although new wrinkles may form as skin ages.


Laser Facial Resurfacing



Smooth the face and smooth fine wrinkles using a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser device that treats layers of damaged skin. Softens lines around the eyes and mouth and minimizes facial scars and unevenly pigmented areas.


A few minutes to 1 hour. May require more than 1 session.


Local with sedation, or general.


Usually outpatient, unless combined with other surgical procedures that require hospitalization.

Side Effects:

Temporary swelling, discomfort. Lightening of treated skin. Acute sun sensitivity. Increased sensitivity to makeup. Pinkness or redness in skin that may persist for up to 6 months.


Burns or injuries caused by laser heat. Scarring. Abnormal changes in skin color. Flare-up of viral infections ("cold sores") and other infections (rare).


Back to work: 2 weeks. More strenuous activities: 4-6 weeks. Complete fading of redness: 6 months or less. Return of pigmentation/light sun exposure: 6-12 months.

Duration of Results:

Long-lasting, but does not stop aging. New wrinkles, expression lines may form as skin ages.

See also


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