The goal of hair replacement surgery is to redistribute the existing hair into the areas of baldness. Whereas hair in the frontal, crown and vertex areas may be lost, the hairs on the sides and back of the scalp are usually retained. The object of the surgery is to use the hair in well-endowed areas to cover the balding areas. The earlier the surgical treatment for hair loss is performed the less noticeable the change in your appearance. Procedures for hair replacement include hair transplant. Just as hair loss patterns differ between patients so does the surgical treatment. During your consultation, a thorough evaluation of your scalp will be performed and what procedure(s) will best suit your individual needs will be discussed. This depends upon your pattern of hair loss, anticipated loss, the extent of your baldness, your life-style, and amount of coverage you desire.

There are many reasons for hair loss. Heredity and hormonal factors contribute greatly. The most common cause is androgenic alopecia or "male pattern baldness". Women can also suffer hair loss. This often causes much anxiety and despair for the patient because hair loss is usually associated with premature aging. The pattern of hair loss for each patient is different. It is determined genetically and the pattern of hair loss can be determined by your family's history of hair loss. There are many treatments available including hairpieces, wigs, hair weaving, surgery, and certain medications. Unfortunately, there are many gimmicks involved with hair replacement. Desirable treatment for hair loss is not quick and easy as some may promise.

Before Transplantation

Stage One

Advanced to Stage 3

Completed Transplantation

These drawings represent what may be accomplished in the "typical" case of hair transplantation. 
Some frequently asked questions about hair replacement include:
What can I do to prevent hair loss? 
Unfortunately the majority of hair loss is determined by ancestry. Grooming and hair care have little effect on hair loss; however, styling can be beneficial to cover thinner areas much like makeup is used to help cover scars.
How long will it take hair to grow after my surgery? 
This depends on the procedure performed.
If a transplant is the best way to treat my hair loss, how many sessions will it take and how long will I have to wait between sessions? 
The number of hair sessions varies from individual to individual depending on the extent of the hair loss. Some patients may require fewer sessions whereas others may require as many as four sessions. The goal of hair replacement is a personal one based on density desired.
What can I expect after the surgery? 
A bandage will be placed over the scalp after the surgery. The bandage will be removed and another will be replaced the following morning. This second dressing will be removed later on in the day and instructions will be given to you regarding the care of the scalp for the next several weeks.
How much discomfort can be expected?
There is usually minimal discomfort from hair replacement surgery. This can usually be treated with oral medication.
When will I be able to return to physical activities?
Most patients can return to their usual workout routines 10 days after surgery. It is best at this time to gradually work back to your routine.
What are the risks?
There are risks associated with any surgical procedure; however, hair transplantation has been performed successfully for over 30 years. Bleeding, infection, scarring, temporary hair loss and asymmetries are rare. These will be discussed during your consultation as well as ways to avoid them.



Fill in balding areas with a patient's own hair using a variety of techniques including scalp reduction, tissue expansion, strip grafts, scalp flaps, or clusters of punch grafts (plugs, miniplugs and microplugs). Works best on men with male pattern baldness after hair loss has stopped.


1 to 3 hours. Some techniques may require multiple procedures over 18 months or more.


Usually local with sedation.


Usually outpatient.

Side Effects:

Temporary achy, tight scalp. Unnatural look in early stages.


Unnatural look. Infection. Excessive scarring. Failure to "take." Loss of transplanted hair.


Back to work: usually 2 to 5 days. More strenuous activities: 10 days to 3 weeks. Final look: may be 18 months or more, depending on procedure.

Duration of Results:



The PUNCH HAIR MATIC ( A new robot to fight baldness) It is the third generation of hair transplantation device, developed only for Follicular Unit Extraction technique (F.U.E) with precise micro grafting surgery. 

The PUNCH HAIR MATIC is a patented robot using micro-instruments to remove follicular units, which makes surgery simpler, faster, and less debilitating for the patient, with more convincing aesthetic results. 

The hairs taken - one, two or even three at a time, depending on the size of punches chosen - are immediately sucked up into a sterile catheter and transferred to a small hand-piece that pushes the hair into a small reception orifice (also called recipient site ) by simple pressure. 

A complete session of 700 grafts can be performed by one doctor with one assistant in two hours only

See also

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